
Welcome! This is a blog I have tossed around in my head for a while now, and have finally decided to start. Whether or not I keep on with it, well, only time will tell.

Movies have always been an interest of mine, and I have long had an itching to write about them. I plan on writing some of the lesser known films I have seen, for the newer films have enough written about them as it is. (Do I really need to tell you Tooth Fairy is a piece of crap? I hope not.) Though I will no doubt write about a few theatrical viewings that piqued my interest.

I am not yet sure exactly what I will post in this blog, but rest assured it will be film related. Most likely it will consist of reviews, essays, and just any sort of film related thoughts I have worthy of being posted. I love to write. (Though whether or not I am any good at it is debatable.)

My film tastes vary greatly. I love to watch everything from crappy summer blockbusters to artsy-fartsy indie films no one has ever heard of. It is quite common for me to find myself going to see the latest “Certified Rotten” movie every critic alive except Armond White crapped on, and come out thinking “Well that wasn’t so bad.” I tend to be very forgiving.

And finally, if this blog seems a bit primitive, it is because I am fairly new to WordPress, and am still figuring out the features. It will get better, I promise.

Thanks for visiting, and I hope you read more! If there is nothing else to read, it probably means you are my first visitor, and I thank you for that.

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